Learn Sass in 30 minutes

December 06, 2019

With Sass we can create variables. We can use imports and partials to separate our CSS code into smaller chunks. We can use mixins that allow us to reuse CSS code. Nesting allows us to write children elements directly inside the parent element and much more!

VSCode setup

VSCode -> Extension -> Live Sass Compiler -> install

VSCode -> Settings -> search sass -> click on Live Sass Compiler -> Settings: Formats -> Edit in settings.json


“format”: “expended”,
“extensionName”: “.css”,
“savePath”: “/dist/css”

Folder structure

scss/main.scss : source
dist/css/main.css : compiled
dist/css/main.css.map : a list of key-value pairs

variable example :

css : --primary-color : #272727;
scss : $ primary-color : #272727;

map example

$font-weights: (
“regular”: 400,
“medum”: 500,
“bold”: 700
body {
    font-weight: map-get($font-weights, bold);

nesting example

The ampersand & always refers to the parent selector when nesting.


    .list {
       background-color: white;
       color: #404040;
       &:hover {
           background-color: blue; 
           color: white
       &:before {
            content: "List ";
       &.active {
            border-left: 3px solid blue;
            color: blue;


   .list {
       background-color: white;
       color: #404040; }
   .list:hover {
       background-color: blue;
       color: white; }
   .list:before {
       content: "List ";
       width: 30px; }
   .list.active {
       border-left: 3px solid blue;
       color: blue; }

function example

@function weight($weight-name){
    @return map-get( $font-weight, $weight-name )
body {
    font-weight: weight(bold);

mixin example

@mixin flexCenter($direction) {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
flex-direction: $direction;
.main {
   @include flexCenter(column);
   width: 80%;
   margin: 0 auto;

Full Example

main.scss : source
main.css : destination
( use @import to include the partial scss files with _ prefix )


sass interpolation

Interpolating is the process of evaluating an expression or a string containing one or more variables, yielding a result in which the variables are replaced with their corresponding values in memory.

Sass is built in Ruby, which uses #{} for expression substitution.

In Sass, you'd do the following:

$description: "awesome";
@warn "Tuts+ is #{$description}!";


$colors: (
  "primary": tomato,
  "secondary": hotpink


@function color($key) {
  @if not map-has-key($colors, $key) {
    @warn "Key `#{$key}` not found in $colors map.";
  @return map-get($colors, $key);


.el {
  background-color: color(primary);

Sass Introduction

Sass Introduction

What is Sass?

• Sass stands for Syntactically Awesome Stylesheet
• Sass is an extension to CSS
• Sass is a CSS pre-processor
• Sass is completely compatible with all versions of CSS
• Sass reduces repetition of CSS and therefore saves time
• Sass was designed by Hampton Catlin and developed by Natalie Weizenbaum in 2006
• Sass is free to download and use

Why Use Sass?

Stylesheets are getting larger, more complex, and harder to maintain. This is where a CSS pre-processor can help. Sass lets you use features that do not exist in CSS, like variables, nested rules, mixins, imports, inheritance, built-in functions, and other stuff.

Sass Example

/* define variables for the primary colors */
$primary_1: #a2b9bc;
$primary_2: #b2ad7f;
$primary_3: #878f99;
/* use the variables */
.main-header {
  background-color: $primary_1;
.menu-left {
  background-color: $primary_2;
.menu-right {
  background-color: $primary_3;

How Does Sass Work?

A browser does not understand Sass code. Therefore, you will need a Sass pre-processor to convert Sass code into standard CSS. This process is called transpiling. So, you need to give a transpiler (ex: VSCode) some Sass code and then get some CSS code back.