Web Development In 2020 - A Practical Guide

December 09, 2019

In this complete and practical guide, we will look at just about every technology in web development. You do NOT have to learn everything here. It is simply a guide of options to help you understand what is what and pick your learning path

Intro - 0:07
What Do You Want To Do? - 1:28
The Necessities - 2:38
HTML/CSS (Building Blocks) - 7:10
Responsive Web Design - 9:18
Reusable CSS Components - 10:50
CSS Frameworks - 12:26
Vanilla JavaScript - 13:52
Tools (Git, Dev Tools, etc) - 16:28
Basic Deployment - 20:45
Basic Frontend Dev - 23:15
Where To Now? - 24:12
Frontend Framework - 25:00
Svelte - 27:14
State Management - 28:32
SSR (Next & Nuxt) - 30:40
SSG (Gatsby & Gridsome) - 33:04
TypeScript - 35:05
Frontend Wizard - 37:06
Server Side Language - 37:42
Server Side Framework - 42:52
Database - 47:37
GraphQL - 52:08
CMS & Headless CMS - 53:41
Deployment & DevOps - 55:22
Full Stack Dev - 59:23
Mobile Development - 59:51
PWA - 1:01:43
Desktop Apps With Electron - 1:03:19
JAMstack - 1:04:24
Serverless Architecture - 1:06:10
API-First Design - 1:07:24
Machine Learning & AI - 1:08:12
Speech Recognition - 1:09:03
Web Assembly - 1:09:42
Advice & Thank You - 1:11:21